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7 Prerequisites for Teaching from Home

Jul 11

1 min read




If you want to teach music lessons from your home, here are the most basic necessary conditions:

  • Is your home a safe environment? Consider factors such as your pets, household members, entryway, and parking area.

  • Are you legally allowed to operate an in-home business? Local jurisdictions (HOAs, cities, townships) can limit this right or require a home-based business license.

  • Are the other members of your household supportive? It will affect them, their lifestyle, and their privacy.

  • Can you create and maintain a designated space to be your teaching studio? It does not have to be fancy, but it should be clean, comfortable, and have sufficient space for you and your student, your instrument(s), gear, and teaching materials.

  • Is there adequate parking without negatively impacting neighbors or other members of your household?

  • Can you remove distractions from your teaching area OR can you find students/families that are accepting of your situation (young children at home, etc.)?

  • Are you able to maintain a consistent schedule? You will need to commit to the same days/times each week for a majority of the year.

If ANY of these items are problematic, teaching from your home might not be a good fit for you. Consider options such as teaching online, traveling to your students’ homes, or teaching from another location such as a music school, church or community center.

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Jul 11

1 min read





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